Well, getting new RAM for my laptop has gotten more interesting. The new RAM supposedly mailed on March 16th arrived on March 23rd. So I eagerly opened the package only to see that the RAM sent was not one, but two identical RAM pieces just like the one that caused my machine to cycle and hang on the POST. Wow, it’s not like I didn’t tell the company that. OK, the bad RAM in the first package might have actually been bad, but I did tell the guy the other RAM worked just fine.
So I powered down the machine, put the new RAM in and fired it up. Well this time I actually got up to a login screen before the machine blue screened with a memory manager error message. So I put the old memory back in and now I can’t get into the machine at all. The registry hives are corrupted and they won’t restore. Now I have to reload the OS, but not before I pull the hard drive to get my stuff off.
I call the company several times during the day – no answer. I leave a message – no return call. I email the guy and he says to send it back. I send it back on March 26. They receive it on or before March 29. I send an email on April 2 asking about the status of the RMA. I get an email back stating it was mailed the week before, but I receive yet another email stating it was mailed on Friday the 6th of April. So much for mailing it the previous week.
This is ridiculous.