I consider myself a pretty smart computer person, so imagine my frustration when I tried to load LifeScan’s OneTouch Diabetes monitoring software on my laptop and it could not “find” my meter. I have to say that LifeScan does not recommend putting the software on a laptop because of all the ports. I’m not sure what the difference is between a laptop and a desktop (from a port standpoint), as my desktop has more USB ports than my laptop, but apparently there is an issue.
I don’t give up easily. I installed the software on my laptop a month ago and never could get it to find the meter – other software packages had no trouble – but this one was not going to make it easy. Actually it is easy, if you know where to look, which was a problem as the documentation doesn’t give you a hint as to where to look.
So for all of you who have wanted to put LifeScan OneTouch software on your laptop and have not been able to successfully find the meter, I’m going to tell you how I did it. Yes, the software can now find the meter.
- If you haven’t already, install your USB driver. The USB driver will convert the USB port to a Comm Port
- Once you hook up the meter, your computer should find the meter. (don’t do meter first then driver – install the driver first)
- Open your device manager and find out what Comm Port the device is using (in my case it’s com8)
- In the OneTouch software, open the preferences and on the “general” tab, DESELECT the “autosearch” checkbox where it says “Look for meter” and select the comm port that device manager says the meter is using.
- Select Save and Done
- Hook up your meter and follow the instructions (my ultra has to be turned on to download)
Now I am a happy camper!